Try feeling your way through rather than thinking your way out.
Let your
body guide you.

I am a certified somatic therapist with the Pantarei Approach school in Berlin. 

Pantarei means ‘everything flows’ in Greek. The practice consists of both talk therapy (first half of the session) and deep, therapeutic touch (second half) which you receive lying down on a massage table. Through healing touch you move out of your head and into your body to connect with the intelligence that lives within you. You access your innate wisdom that is held within your unique DNA and life experiences which hold the keys to guide you forwards with integrity and confidence.

Ways to work together

Panatrei Approach - Somatic Therapy

By connecting with the feelings and sensations in your body and giving them space to breathe you are able to release blocks and trauma from the past and open to new flows of joy, clarity and resolution. I bring you back to your body so you can feel your inner wisdom and lead yourself with compassion and strength through all of life’s weather.

This practice can assist with processing grief, connecting to bigger vision and purpose, navigating challenging relationships, releasing limiting beliefs, shifting ancestral and familial trauma, opening to more meaningful relationships and making challenging decisions.

My wish is that it will open you to a more confident, liberated and authentic life like it did for me and the hundreds I have worked with. Come and say hello at my cosy cabin in East London.

Exchange: £130 / 90 minutes. Book a discovery call or email to book in the connect page


Every time I see Tiamat I have a profound shift and have opened up in ways I didn’t know were possible. Could not recommend working with Tiamat more!”
— Amber Monet
Tiamat is a unique lightworker, an amazing soul of the best kind. Working with her is being gently guided whilst you are empowered to take the right steps for you towards self actualisation and growth. Since working with her my journey has changed unbelievably and am now creating a life i want to live in! Beforehand i felt very lost. Her work has helped me grow in self love, compassion and courage. Her approach is holistic, body, mind and soul and the combination of bodywork and talking really yields incredible and surprising results. I cannot recommend her enough’.
— Susan
I saw Tiamat because i was feeling depressed, fatigued and stuck. I knew i wanted something that worked on the mind and body connection as I’d already done a lot of talk therapy. During my time working with Tiamat i experienced a big breakthrough in healing family bonds, manifesting things i’d wanted to do for ages and physically i felt more energised and lighter than i had in a long time. Tiamat is a highly intuitive, creative, a force of positivity and a skilled healer. She could say exactly what was in my mind without me saying a word and gave me a renewed sense of excitement to be on this path of healing.I am so grateful for her helping me.
— Paula