Welcome, I Am so grateful you are here. Take a breath of life and let’s begin.

Here is a glimpse of my story to provide some context to my offerings. I hope that my skills and experience can serve you in some way. Let’s see how we can create together 𓆃

My birth name, Camilla Rose, together with my surname, means One who tends to the altar of the Rose and heeds the Earth. When I became ordained as a Rose Priestess, I fulfilled my parent’s prophecy and remembered the ancient name of Tiamat that I reverently agreed to embody in this lifetime. 

With the name change came a big shift in my consciousness which upon reflection, was woven into my soul’s destiny since birth. 

I grew up in England with a mixed ancestral heritage. I was a highly sensitive child, communing with animals, dreaming of imaginary realms and playing in nature. I felt my primal power from a young age as a national sprinter in my teens and later as a devoted raver.

I followed the expected path, got my political science degree and spent nearly 10 years working in marketing strategy for some of the world’s biggest lifestyle brands. I found the experience to be empty and eventually illness inducing which prompted a stark awakening into my true path as a Priestess, channel and healer. 

I am grateful for all of my life experiences that I now weave into my work in a magical and unexpected unfolding. I devote my strategic mind, powerful body and dragon’s heart to support the collective shift of consciousness into a more joy-filled and peace-full reality.