I believe that courage, desire and devotion are 3 keys to birth the new earth we want to leave as our legacy. 

COURAGE to look at the past and embrace with love that which needs healing. To take the path unknown, listening to our unique soul guidance. 

DESIRE for more love to exist in our reality. To cultivate harmonious relationships between humans, animals, plants and planet. To live a life of passion and presence that contributes to a more just and peaceful home. 

DEVOTION to our soul’s dream and legacy. To know that every choice we make can transform our reality into deeper alignment and balance with ourselves and the world around us. To walk lightly upon the earth, with compassion and endurance.

Our life path is not linear. To come full circle is encoded into the journey. I have found great joy in gathering tools and wisdom to meet my experiences with heightened perspective, skill and love. This has inspired a trinity approach to my work: 

𓆙 Acknowledge + heal wounds 

ð“‚€ Awaken + activate soul projects 

ð“„‚ Create + live in integrity with earth + sky