Rose is a master healer. She holds the intelligence and grace of the universe to nourish us back to radiance + beauty, our true nature.

I offer soul integration work channelling the Magdalene-Rose lineage. These are ancient divine feminine practices and healing technologies that are specifically designed for the sensibilities of women and womb-folk. The gentle yet potent petals of the Rose emanate a sublime expression of love to guide us back to who we truly are and ignite the dreaming power of the womb to birth heaven as earth.

The medicine of the Rose originates from Venus, Sirius and the Plieades, seeded into the waters and land on Earth. She is a celestial bridge of earth and star wisdom that was practiced in the temples of ancient Egypt (Kemet) and Mount Carmel in the Middle East; brought to the lands of France and the British Isles by Mary Magdalene and her family. Specifically anchored in one of the heart chakras of the world, Avalon (Glastonbury) where I have trained as a Magdalene Priestess for the last 5 years with the Sacred Rose Mystery School. 

The Rose is said to be the highest vibration of any plant (320 MHz). She is the frequency of love. It is my joy to share her medicine, to honour the extraordinary magic of the sacred feminine and restore our full radiant beauty and life giving power. We would not be here without it.

Ways to work together

𓋹 Magdalene Rose Healing

An online session to connect with the spirit of the Rose. To activate her medicine within you, to bring clarity, healing and grace into any area of your life and body that wishes to receive her infinite wisdom and love.

A session consists of sharing your story and reason for reaching out followed by reflections, insights and a guided meditation journey with the Rose and Magdalene wisdom council. You will receive a bespoke transmission of her healing codes and channeled messages to elevate you into your clearest timeline through aligning heart, mind and womb.

90 minutes / £150
60 minutes / £120

Book via the connect page

𓋹 Magdalene Mentorship - Rose Rebirth

Working with Rose to nourish you back to wholeness and full creative expression. This is a deep dive into your inner mysteries as woman / womb folk. To reclaim parts of yourself from this and other lifetimes that are ready to be restored, anchoring you in your most liberated and authentic expression of self love and service.

Together we gather the nectar of your soul by honouring and anointing your life’s experiences through ritual, energy healing, movement and 1:1 mentorship. Through loving devotion (the essence of Rose) you transform past traumas and the bind of repeating old patterns and cycles into new fields of creative possibility and self mastery.

To truly live the divine path you came here to experience, through initiation into the depth, joy and magic of the dark (secret) feminine. To weave the most authentic expression of your soul gifts into the grand tapestry of life.


Blue-Violet Rose: Receiving the vision in the higher mind. Guided by the wisdom and compassion of Mother Mary to remove false imprints, clear trauma and reclaim true voice and clear sight. Activate and elevate the voice, vision and confidence of your sacred feminine work that is key to restoring balance and benevolence on Earth.

Emerald-Golden Rose: Amplification of your soul’s light and heart’s dream. Guided by the illumination and grace of Auset/Isis to clear and reset imbalances, to return to full heart sovereignty, wisdom and radiance. Activate feminine leadership codes of compassion, gnosis and Self-authority.

Red Rose: Re-birthing a wild and authentic layer of soul expression from your womb. Guided by Tantrika and womb shaman, Mary Magdalene, to cleanse, purify and activate your true codes of stability + sacred sexuality. To channel your creational life force with divine intention and precision.

All session are 1:1 and online (zoom).

  • Week 1: Opening ceremony - Sharing your story + guidance (90 minutes);

  • Week 2: Energy healing (60 minutes);

  • Week 3: Blue Rose attunement (90 minutes)

  • Week 5: Blue Rose integration coaching call (90 minutes);

  • Week 7: Emerald Rose attunement (90 minutes);

  • Week 9: Emerald Rose integration coaching;

  • Week 11: Red Rose attunement (90 minutes);

  • Week 13: Red Rose integration and closing ceremony.

    Exchange: 13 weeks / £1,500 (supporter) £1,300 (supported)

    Payment plans available. If the full financial exchange is not possible please reach out to see how we can create a balanced exchange.

    Book a discovery call via the connect page

𓋹 Rose and Blue Lotus Ceremonies

I hold private ceremonies working with the medicine of Rose and Blue Lotus. This involves ingesting the plants through tea, tincture or anointing with oil. The plants healing and awakening properties are integrated through guided meditation, gentle movement and sound journey. Perfect to honour special occasions like birthdays, bridal and baby showers as well as specific solar and lunar dates like Solstice, Equinox and full / new moon.

Please get in touch via the connect page to curate a ceremony together.


Tiamat is an exceptional guide and channel, offering a remarkable wellspring of clarity, wisdom, and joy. I deeply value Tiamat’s authenticity and the way she communicates, providing crystal-clear information, humour and insightful interpretations of my personal journey.

The guidance provided by Tiamat has offered me deep and insightful transmissions and perspectives, and I find immense joy in receiving the rose mysteries and techniques from her. They have truly been a profound and healing gift, enhancing my path with transformative power, light codes and magic.

In essence, Tiamat’s guidance is a beautiful channelling and activation, creating a space for me to receive practical counsel and rejuvenation. I am deeply grateful for the healing and guidance your sessions have provided me.

You are a shining light in our world, beautiful soul.
— Chloe Mercer
To be in ceremony with Tiamat was so magical! I felt seen, safe and loved. We honoured all the aspects of self and life from beginning to end. The energy that built in our hearts throughout the process was something that brought me deep expansion, healing and also so much joy. Held in light, she illuminates our potential and awakens the memory of who we truly are.
— Giovanna