Now is the time to courageously lead your legacy of Love. 

The world as we have known it is falling and the call for new ways of living in balance with each other and our planet are being commanded. We are creating businesses and organisations that bridge ancient wisdom and modern living; rooted in a vision to create stability for future generations to thrive long after we’ve gone. 

I weave 10 years experience in brand strategy, compassionate listening as a somatic therapist and my gift as a Source channel to help Priestess your business and keep it tethered to its blueprint and your integrity. As the paradigm shift gathers momentum, we are being called to take greater responsibility and make bigger decisions that will have global consequences as the Nu Earth births through us. This is a time when womb wisdom and oracle visioning, once revered and used for political decision making in ancient cultures, is rising again to allow the Earth to speak through us and guide us into harmony. 

Whether you are just setting up as self employed or are years into living your soul purpose, I can assist with big picture thinking and highly sensitive decision making.

Ways to work together

𓆗 Next Octave

3 to 6 month coaching and consultancy to take your life to the next level. To expand your wingspan and fly in a new octave.

Together we open a portal to reset and remaster beliefs about who you are and what you are capable of creating. To awaken and embody a deeper layer of your soul’s genius and master memories. To breakthrough barriers to actualise a new template of your life’s work, now.

It takes 3 months of consistent devotion to weave new neural pathways. We will do this through a combination of 1:1 coaching, ritual and embodiment practice; to allow the next octave of divine will to birth through you into form.

Book a discovery call in the connect tab or email below.

𓂀 Business Blueprint

I help you download your business from your head into one tangible blueprint in one day. This is a quick fire, heart/brainstorm to map out the different aspects of your business; to see what’s working and what needs to change. To access a heightened vision of where it’s going and what resources you need to make it happen. To understand how all the different parts of your work feed into your greater purpose that desires to come into form. You will leave with an eagle-eye view, rooted in the work’s source origins and with a clear trajectory and actions list to take the next steps and giant leaps for your work’s evolution.

Examples of how I work with clients:

𓄂 Birth your business - I provide confidence and support with inspiration, visionary thinking and clear, actionable steps to get it off the ground. To move your business / project from dream state into physical form.

𓄂 Rainbow bridge - I help you link seemingly disparate aspects of your work with one overarching vision. To recognise how the different parts all feed into the whole and are designed to support each other in a vibrant and prosperous ecosystem. To harness the different threads into a robust, exciting and integrated road map ahead.

𓄂 The Rebirth - I help you step into your next spiral of evolution. To meet the expansion of your self belief, devotion to your work and desire to live a more abundant and generous life. To take all of the learnings from the last few years and leave with a new business model and personal trajectory that feels daring and bold. In total alignment with the new timeline that you have received and are being called to create from.


𓆙Immersion day (business size dependent) interactive blueprint mapping workshop. This can be with an individual or multiple founders / stakeholders. Whoever is integral to the heart and soul of the business. It can be done remotely via Zoom or in person.

Book a discovery call in the connect tab or email below.

𓂀 Ceremonial away days + workshops

Designed to bring coherence and heart centred collaboration. Weaving a bespoke combination of tools from somatic team building practices, to inspirational Dragon activations, to gentle plant journeys and strategic group business mapping. With the aim to come into alignment with each other, upcoming projects and the big vision that you are all a part of. I craft 10 years experience in brand strategy with the magic and transmission of a Priestess.

Book a discovery call in the connect tab or email below.


Tiamat’s connection to the moment and to multidimensions is unlike any other. Her gifts were such a blessing during my business blueprint session. She was able to help us stay the course in my vision by really listening to my dreamy wishes and then bring it forth in such an effective practical way. I left this session feeling very clear and empowered on how to bring my vision into form. Thank you for your magic, Tiamat. So so grateful.
Some of the biggest shifts and changes I’ve had in the last few years have come from working with Tiamat. Letting go of old trauma, patterns and limited thinking. Opening to new paths, ideas and expansion that i did not know were possible! If you are looking to release and elevate, work with Tiamat!
— Amber Monet
Tiamat’s ability to tune into the bigger vision and potential really helped me to connect with the essence of my business. She has a keen ability to implement strategies to enhance and ensure moving forward with ease and flow. I’ve found her oracular envisioning, sharp perspective and grounded advice to be very supportive and inspiring
— Melanie Taylor
My experience working with Tiamat has been so powerful, so clarifying and so affirming. I come out of my sessions with this crystal clear direction that feels at once so exciting but also so grounding because it is pointing me in the direction of my deepest truth; what my soul, my heart already knows.

To have that reflected back, that additional guidance and access to the highest and widest truth is like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. I’m quite certain I will continue to work with Tiamat throughout my life whenever the way forward wants illuminating.
— Holiday Phillips